How to insert check mark symbol in Microsoft Excel? Scroll to the bottom of the list, where you will find several common check mark symbols. In the Symbol dialog box, on the Symbols tab, in the Font box, click Wingdings. Insert a symbol by using the Symbol command On the Insert tab, in the Symbols group, click Symbol. How do you make a check mark on Microsoft Word? In the Symbol dialog box, choose the Wingdings font option, and scroll down to find the check mark character. Choose the Symbol command and you will find all the supported symbols in Excel. Method 2: Insert – symbol menu The Excel ribbon has an Insert tab, and from there a Symbol dropdown. Incidentally, in passing, as in By the bye, my wife is coming too, or Exactly where do you live, by the by? The bye or second by in this term originally meant “a side path,” whence the current sense of “off the track” or “of secondary importance.” Also see by the way. It also generally means “absolutely” or “keep it 100” (keep it real). What does 💯 Hundred emoji mean? The 100 emoji is used in digital communication to express or emphasize achievement, support, approval, and motivation.